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Information for people that live in the City of Westminster.

Council Tax

Information about bands, exemptions, and how you can pay your Council Tax.


Manage your resident permits.


Learn about planning policies in Westminster and how to apply for permission to build.


Find out what's on offer at Westminster libraries.


Physical activity, leisure and sport across the City of Westminster.


Find out about council jobs, working in Westminster and getting career help. We welcome applications from local residents.

Rubbish and recycling

Find out when your bins will be collected and what you can recycle.

Children and families

Advice and support for families in Westminster.


Find out about the schools offer in Westminster.

PeopleFirst - adult social care

Information, ideas and services to help maintain independence and well-being.


Includes information about benefits, private sector housing, support with homelessness and how to apply for council housing.


Find out if you are eligible for Housing Benefit or other support payments.

Report it

Tell us about a street problem in Westminster.

Coronavirus: a helping hand for residents

This is where you can find information about coronavirus (COVID-19) including what you can do to protect and help yourself.


Advice on how to prepare for a flood, if your home has been flooded and other actions we are taking.